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A Message from the Academy President

When the wonderful Anne Like, MD passed the Academy President "baton" to me 6 months ago I was hopeful about The Academy's future goals, but skeptical nonetheless. 37 years practicing medicine can make you a pessimist at times.  After all, we begin our careers with the singular mission of caring for our patients, but often find our voices in advocating for them getting lost in the noise of insurance mandates and regulations.  In today’s practice environment, I wondered, how could The Academy of Medicine do more to create value for our members and the surrounding physician community?

I’m so pleased to report that my first 6 months as President of the Academy has swayed me towards optimism-or at least to the right side of the bell curve. I’ve found that when a mission is clear and you're surrounded by dedicated peers, great things can happen.

In this newsletter you'll find highlights of Academy successes in 2023 and projects creating momentum for 2024. Just as this experience serving as President has created optimism for me, I hope you find the same as you go into the new year. 'Tis the season for hope, after all.

I'd like to thank you all, our members and partners, for putting trust in our efforts to serve this great profession and the health of our community.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and prosperous new year.

Barry Brook, MD
President, 2023-2024
Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati


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